How can we help you?


Patients and Families:

1. What should I bring with me?

For a short term rehabilitation stay, you will be working on recovering so comfortable clothing such as sweat pants, comfortable tied shoes such as gym shoes, night clothes, and your personal toiletries should be all that you need.

2. What will my insurance cover?

Everyone’s insurance is different. The admission team is more than happy to review your specific insurance prior to admission and let you know exactly what will be covered and what your responsibility will be.

3. What Amenities will be covered during my stay?

On our unit for short term rehabilitation, our rooms include cable television, phone service, and in some cases a small refrigerator. All activities within the facility are also available.

4. Is a deposit required for long term care?

A deposit is only required for long term care if the resident will be privately paying for the stay. If insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid are paying for the stay, a deposit is not required.

5. What happens next after we choose your facility?

Once the admission team becomes aware that you have chosen our facility, they will contact you or your hospital discharge planner. They will collect some medical information, verify your insurance, rest assured that we can provide everything that you will require and work with the hospital and/or your family to arrange the day and time of admission. They will also arrange a time for you or your family member to sign in and complete all of the necessary forms.

6. Will I have a private room?

We offer private and semi-private rooms. We make every effort to make sure that requests for private rooms are honored. Unfortunately that is not always possible however, we will let you know prior to admission if a private room is available.

7. What are visiting hours?

Your family may visit any time they wish, however, we suggest that visiting hours be maintained between 8 am to 9 pm.

8. Do I have to stay a certain amount of time?

Your physician and the interdisciplinary team at the facility will work together to determine the absolute right amount of time for you to be with us. There is no set amount of time you must stay. Each patient’s stay is determined by their unique needs.

9. What is the difference in your therapy program vs. an outpatient or in-home program?

 An inpatient skilled therapy program offers a more intense level of therapy, more often than an outpatient or in-home program. You will work with the same therapists to meet your unique goals in the quickest way possible.

10. When will I see my doctor?

Unlike hospitals, physicians do not see patients every day in the skilled nursing facility. Prior to admission, you will be notified if your personal physician will be following you for your care. If not, you will be assigned to one of the physicians who sees patients in our facility. That physician will be responsible for your care while you are here and we will communicate your course of treatment to your personal physicians and specialists.

11. Can my loved one leave the building for lunch, shopping, or church?

Typically, short term rehabilitation patients do not leave the facility with the exception of physician’s appointments. Once you are able to transfer safely in and out of a vehicle, ambulate unassisted or be out and about, you are most likely ready to go home. Skilled patients may not be out of the facility past midnight if their stay is being covered by Medicare, Medicaid or Insurance.

12. Am I allowed to eat in my room instead of the dining room?

All patients are allowed to eat in their room if they so choose. We encourage our long term residents to eat in the dining room to prevent isolation and encourage socialization.

13. Can I bring a pet?

Personal pets are not permitted to stay in the facility. A well-behaved and vaccinated pet may visit the facility.

14. Do you allow smoking?

We allow only supervised smoking at our facility at designated scheduled times throughout the day. All smoking materials have to be kept in a smoking box at our nurses station once the patient is admitted. If a family member is available they can supervise the patient in the designated smoking areas.

15. Do you accept Medicaid?

We do accept Medicaid. Medicaid patients must meet current Medicaid guidelines and the facility must be able to meet the patient’s requirements.

16. Can my loved one stay long term if they can’t go home?

In the event your loved one cannot go home we have long term beds in our facility, with a constant change in availability. We will do an evaluation during their stay to determine if we are an appropriate facility. If we are not able to accept your loved one we can make a recommendation for different placement.

17. Do you offer therapy 7 days per week?

All three disciplines of therapy are available up to 7 days per week. Evaluations are also available on weekends.


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